martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Learning about phthalates

Phthalates are additives used in everyday plastic products to increase their flexibility, durability and transparency.
Phthalates are found in products to which we have a high exposure, such as baby’s toys, beverage containers, cosmetics and even food wraps.
They are dangerous because they pollute not only the environment, also it pollutes our bodies, which is really easy because they can be absorbed by skin contact, ingested and inhaled.
This two scientists are trying to eliminate the phthalates with bacteria instead of biochemically. I mean, they are trying to find out the solution to plastic pollution.
I think they’ve done a nice work, very detailed and organized. First they did a research of information and presented the work in a university. Then they started taking notes and making experiments, and by accident they got the answer to what they were looking for.

An accident is something that happens unexpectedly, without being planned. It can be negative or positive. We always tend to think that they are negative but thanks to lots of accidents, lots of important things have been discovered. For example Fleming was searching for a "wonder drug" that could cure diseases. However, it wasn't until Fleming threw away his experiments that he noticed that a contaminated Petri dish he had discarded contained a mold that was dissolving all the bacteria around it. It contained a powerful antibiotic, penicillin. Also lots of things like: chocolate cookies, potato chips, microwave ovens, fireworks, post-it notes, X-rays…


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