miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Discovering about engineers...

I remember that in the workshop, the students from the UIB, told us that an engineer is someone who designs and then creates something with the things that he has, no more. But specifically  is someone who designs and builds things to solve specific problems.

I found a SUPERB video that explains us what is an engineer.

Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to solving problems in the real world. While science (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) allows us to gain an understanding of the World and the Universe, Engineering enables this understanding to come to life through problem solving, designing and building things. 

That's was what he had to do. For one day we turned into an engineer. 

We had to create a windmill that when it spun it had to lift a tea bag. The materials we had were: two pieces of cardboard, rubber bands, cloth pegs, spoons, some strings, sellotape, wood sticks and I thing that's it.

We worked in groups and almost all of them achieved that the wind mild lifted the tea bag. My group was made up of this members: Iván Díaz, Aina Monroig, Annabella Borrell, Laura Lozano and me. I liked to work with this team. We worked all together and we find the solution to it because everyone contributed and explained how could it be better. Due to this I think that we got the best idea. 
Finally we could prove that it was a nice idea because it worked perfectly. maybe the next time we could make it look better, but the structure was strong and it worked.

I think that that day I worked as an engineer. We had an specific material and we had to  design and later build a windmill. I felt as I was an important person creating something that then if it work it will serve to solve a problem.

Honestly I enjoyed doing this type of workshop. I don't know why but I've always liked to build things. I like to make mockups because is fun and you have to be creative and imagine all the possible ways to make it so you made up something the best you can. Maybe I should become an engineer but I always thought of being a doctor or a teacher, when I grow up.


Definition of engineer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owHF9iLyxic
Wood sticks: https://neelachandu.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/icecream-sticks.jpg
Rubber bands: free image by Xavier Lukins

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